Women’s History Month Molly Baskin For the Love of Dance Studio

Molly Baskin For the Love of Dance Studio

My name is Molly Baskin but  I am know as Coach Molly in the community. I am a studio owner of For the Love of Dance Studio which is located inside of the Dort Mall in Flint. Molly Baskin is the owner and instructor of the popular fitness group called Curvy Girl Fitness. She also offers a fitness step classes, allowing for participants to step in the parks in Downtown Flint and a hustle class. Coach Molly is also the Director of a Majorette dance team called FTLOD. For the Love of Dance Studio and Curvy Girl Fitness are located at 3600 south Dort Highway.

Email: Ftlodstudio@gmail.com Email: Curvygirlfitnessflint.com

Website: Ftlodstudio.com Business Phone: 810.308.8932